Monday, March 3, 2014

Dog called Boo

Good day everybody,
Today we will talk about dog called Boo. He is a special kind of dog. His type is normal, but one day his hair got  stuck together, so his owner cut them. This is how Boo looks now and how his type looks normally. He is with the short hair. Which of them do you think is more cute? What do you think, how much does he cost? So, this is the true he does cost from 500 to 2500 dollars/euros. Bye, bye we will be here next time

Monday, February 17, 2014

Cocker Spaniel behaviour

This blog is about dog illness. We will start talking about gold Cocker spaniel. Their illness is that they can be aggressive even you did not do anything to them. Some of them do not do it, but anytime they could. They can easily get out of control, so be careful about your children. On this picture you can see the gold Cocker spaniel.
Now switch to other kind of dog. We will talk about yorkshire terrier. He is medium kind of dog. I do not think they should be inside during summer. But during winter sometimes you could take them inside.

Friday, February 7, 2014

About dog shelters

This part will be about dog shelters. Some dog shelters have small cages because they have many dogs and don't have money for bigger. Here you can see a dog shelter

How you can see on this picture we were not lying. Dogs which live in dog shelters do not get love and very much free space so they can't run and play. People who work there are very happy when some dogs get a nice family. We are sure that the dogs are happy too when they get love and family. Many people go on a walk with them because they love dogs but cannot adopt one. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Life in Sloboda Zvierat

In Sloboda Zvierat they have lots of dogs and puppies which are very poor and sad. We want to make them feel happy, thats why we adopt them. Every adoption brings better life to a doggie. Our Year 8ths brought many packs of food for dogs. Also they took many dogs for a nice walk through the park.


This is our blog our names are Bibi and Saska. Our blog will be about helping and making puppies and dogs feel good and have a lovely home.